Hi, I’m Kok Rui1, a software engineer in Singapore. I recently graduated from the National University of Singapore where I majored in Computer Science.
I’m currently:
- learning how to be a full-time employee
- settling in to my new home
- planning for my wedding
I’ve previously been a / an:
- Software Engineering Intern at Jane Street
- Security Software Engineering Intern at Databricks
- Software Engineering Intern at ByteDance / TikTok
- Software Engineering Intern at Trail of Bits
- Open Source Fellow at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) via the MLH Fellowship
In NUS, I’ve been a / an:
- Coreteam Member of NUS Hackers
- Maintainer of NUSMods
- Teaching Assistant for Algorithms, Programming, Software Engineering, and Functional Programming
- Undergrad Researcher in Prof Manuel Rigger’s TEST Lab of the PL/SE Group
- High School Researcher in the Jedd Group of the Temasek Life Sciences Lab
- High School Researcher in the Bioinformatics & Drug Design Group
I spend most of my time working on things under the umbrella of CS. I used to compete in Security CTFs and Hackathons which somewhat reflects my CS interests, but I’m open to anything that I find cool.
Back in High School, I was also heavily involved in Model United Nations, where I participated in more than 35 conferences in every academic capacity possible, and where I got the chance to visit new countries and stay in weird places, including the J.W. Marriott Beijing (for free) and a rented room with a cockroach problem in Kuala Lumpur (for a fee). All that remains is my love for travel.
Other things I like:
- GeoGuessr
- Ball Sports (Basketball, Table Tennis, Football, Baseball)
- British Quiz Shows (University Challenge, Only Connect, Countdown)
- Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Theatre & Musicals
- My Fiancée
My first name has two words, Kok Rui. My last name is Wong. “Kok” rhymes with “lock” / “rock” / “dock”, and “Rui” sounds exactly like “ray”, but it’s not a big deal to me and I appreciate any attempt to pronounce my name. ↩︎